Tomokvillageis one of thevillages locatedin the area ofthe island of Samosir,Samosir,North Sumatra Province.Tomokisthe gateto enter theislandthrough the PortAjibatasamosir,Parapat.BesidesTuktuk,Tomokisa favorite destination inthe areaNaidoo.InNovember 2013,I had the opportunityto visitthe village ofTomok.In the village ofTomok,there areseveral tourist attractionsmost visitedbytourists bothdomesticand foreign tourists.On that occasion,a lotof tourists fromMalaysia,Singapore,andIndiawho visited thevillage ofTomok,besidesother visibleforeign touristsfrom the Netherlands,the MiddleEast,and theUnited States.
Image museum
museum are located in different places in North Sumatra, the Batak
Museum in Balige, Bolon Simanido Huta Museum, and Museum of Samosir
Batak. The museum does not include various other museums such as the museum Batak Ulos and other museums. So many museums of the Batak culture in North Sumatra province and
this illustrates that the Provincial Government is good enough to
preserve the cultural heritage of indigenous and Batak so that everyone
can recognize the hobo culture more broadly. Samosir Batak museum itself shaped house Bolon. Bolon house specialty is traditional house of the king and his family. This custom home is a custom home models that none of the rooms and if you want to create a room, once sealed by using Ulos. When you enter the museum Samosir Batak, you must bow signifying that every guest should respect / subject to the host. When climbing stairs if you notice, these stairs will be worth odd. This is due to the belief that the traditional Batak number is odd luck. In Samosir Batak Museum, you will find two statues of men and women with a bowl on his head. The
intent of this statue is on when there are couples who want to get
married, then the pair is required to dance with bowl on his head, and
if the bowl fell, then they canceled married. The significance of the bowl does not fall while dancing indicates the Batak people have adult / mature.
After that,youwill also seethe bedthat has beenaround450yearsold.AttheMuseumBatak,you alsocanseeallthe fixtures and fittingsusedBataktribeancient timesrangingfromhuntinggear(spears,hammers,axes,etc.),cooking equipment(stove, dishes,etc.),loomstomakeUlos,andotherart items.On the sideofthe room,youwillfind a variety ofcarvedart objectsandothergoodsare sold.
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